About Dental Insurance & Financing in North York

Dental Insurance-North York Dentist

Decisions regarding dental treatment are based on a professional dental examination, patient medical history, patient's goals and desires as well as an explanation of available options when creating an appropriate treatment plan. These decisions are not based on a patient's dental insurance coverage.

If you have dental coverage as part of your medical benefits, please remember that your insurance is a contact between you and the insurance company/employer.

Please provide our reception team member with your policy information and we will ensure that you have all required information when submitting your claims to your insurance provider. We will submit your claims electronically for you.

We have no direct link to your insurance provider. Unless prearranged before your appointment, you are responsible for the balance on your account at the time of your appointment. Dental coverage is often valued at a percentage of the cost leaving a balance after the insurance has paid. This co-payment is a matter between the patient and their respective employers. The portion that is not paid for by the insurance company is the responsibility of the member and is due at the time of the appointment.

Dental Financing Available

If arranged prior to the appointment, we will work with individuals to arrange financial terms that are both beneficial to the patient and our office.

north york dental office accepting dentalcard

We also accept DentalCard financing and can help you arrange financing if you are interested. It is free to apply for this credit, and they offer easy, flexible, and affordable payment options to accomodate your individual needs.